I need structure to make lasting change in my life, so I must rely on a strong foundation. I love Rachel Hollis's 5 to thrive concept. It's a great place to start your personal revolution! Just five simple things every day, right? Here is my plan of execution for September:
1. Get up an hour earlier
**The Miracle Morning**
**Once a week - spiritual health
personal growth
2. Workout at least 30 minutes
**Daily commitment/schedule**
**10,000 steps per day**
3. Drink half your body weight in oz of water each day.
**Daily food tracker
**Lumping vitamins in with this one.
4. Give up one food category you know you shouldn't be eating
**Daily food tracker
5. Write down at least 10 things you're grateful for each day.
**Daily 10
**Gratitude journal for big picture