THIS IS WHERE YOU START. LITERALLY EVERY DAY. I chose this for my first post, because my morning routine became the foundation for creating lasting change in my life. Side note: Sobriety has made me a pretty strict planner (I'm sugar-coating neuroses here), and making myself a priority was not an easy task for me. I started by adding "me time" to my daily schedule. Do what is best for your life and your family, but figure out a way to make time for yourself (morning, mid-day, or night). I chose mornings, and my wonderful therapist recommended that I read this book to get me on the right track. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND The Miracle Morning, by Hal Elrod. It's a short read, and it will give you a blueprint for getting the most out of your "me time". He is able to squeeze all of this into one hour every morning, but I take two, and generally focus a little more time on reading. I also took out the "scribe" part of the routine, because I journal at night. Like I said, figure out what is best for you, but start every day with "S.A.V.E.R.S" and your life will quickly begin to change!
S - Silence
A - Affirmations
V - Visualization
E - Exercise
R - Reading
S - Scribe
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