**Disclaimer: This was from a pre-Covid journal entry** I'm torn. I showed up 10 minutes early, like suggested on the website, and walked into a small studio where a sparring class full of sweaty men was just finishing up. First thought: Intense! A very welcoming young woman (I think the owner) had me fill out a waiver and gave me my community gloves. The instructor, Fernando, walked over and introduced himself, "Is this your first time?" "Yes!", I said. "What do you typically do? Pilates?", he said with a chuckle. Okay, so not as much of a judgement-free zone as I was hoping. After that, I found the one girl in class that looked like me, and took my place on the mat next to her. She looked unsure and had newly manicured nails. Perfect! Fernando was great and helped me with form throughout the class. It was a good introduction to kickboxing. I enjoyed the workout and got to focus on some rarely used muscles, but also focused a lot on my (over-used) self-scrutiny muscle. A little macho for me. I'm not a puncher. I think I would like to try it again, though!
